Food safe 3D Printing Filaments
Choosing the right material for what you are printing requires some research - ultimately the decision of which material to use depends...

Long term costs of cheap 3D Printing Filaments
Not all 3D printing materials are equal, as with most products there are choices and price differences for a reason - bargain filaments...

3D Printed Interiors - Aztec Scenic Design
Aztec Scenic Design has been using 3D printing to create custom ceilings, this includes professional design work and full time...

WALLAH!!! Beautiful pieces of Art
3D printing is not just about making practical bits and pieces, for us it is also about making beautiful creations. Artwork is made out...

Who is working for you?
Your package arrives at your door step ready to fulfill its intended purpose, ever wondered who is behind the scenes...? A Genius At...

Ultimaker and 3D4makers Filament: A match made in 3D heaven!
Printing on an Ultimaker alone is a pleasure, its high quality structure and user friendly programming makes working with this piece of...

3D4MAKERS is now in SA!
For the past 2 years we have been growing at a phenomenal rate providing personalized service on all things to do with 3d printing and...

Manage Your Blog from Your Live Site
We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to manage your blog like a boss! First Publish your site, then login directly to your live...

Design a Stunning Blog
Your Wix Blog comes with 8 beautiful layouts to choose from. Whether you prefer a trendy postcard look or you’re going for a more...

Blog on the Go
With Wix Blog you can do everything from your phone: write posts, follow members, manage comments & more. After you publish simply go to...